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Enoshima: Crowded with beachgoers in summer!

Enoshima Sea Candle

It is easily accessible from Tokyo and is a popular spot in Fujisawa City. In summer, it is crowded with sea bathers!

A small island protruding from the coast is connected by a bridge, and the sidewalk and roadway are separated, so you can cross safely.

The Enoshima Shrine in the center of the island enshrines Myon Benzaiten, the god of entertainment and music, and Benzaiten Nakamise Street is bustling with people strolling around.

The observatory lighthouse is nicknamed Enoshima Sea Candle and is popular as a symbol of Shonan.

"New Enoshima Aquarium" can be seen when returning from the island to Katase Kaigan

The impressive thing is the large aquarium of creatures in Sagami Bay 🐟 It is also good to be healed in the jellyfish tank area

Enoshima has many attractions regardless of the season. Every time you visit, you will see various expressions! !

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